‘Haruki Takahashi, Daichi Aoi, and Yoshihiro Nakamura Proposal
Title: "A Level Area"
Site: Beside the rental cycling facilities on the bank of the River Tone
Video Installation
Size: 7m x 7m x 3m, three-dimensional screen
This is a collaboration of three people to visualize the Toride scenery, whi
ch is in people's subconscious, through images and computerization. Assuming
that the standard height in Toride is based on the riverbank in the city, th
ey filmed the scenery in all directions, starting at the top of the bank bes
ide the cycling facilities (10 meters above sea level). The images of the sc
enery in all directions, 10 meters above sea level, are presented around vie
wers as if ripples were spreading out on the water surface.
‘Haruki Takahashi, Daichi Aoi, and Yoshihiro Nakamura
Profile of Haruki Takahashi:
1971: Born in Kanazawa
1999: Received Kirin Contemporary Award Incentive Prize
2002: Obtained his doctorate in oil painting from Tokyo National University
of Fine Arts and Music
Profile of Daichi Aoi:
1963: Born in Tokyo
1987: Graduated from the Department of Physics, Osaka University
Currently representative of MesLibres (production team of game software
and books)
Profile of Yoshihiro Nakamura:
1981: Born in Kurashiki
2000: Graduated from Vantan Dennoh Intelligence College